Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Unexpected Dangers of Tamriel

The Developers are finding more and more insidious way to do harm. 

Open Firepits and drunks don't mix.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Two for Tamriel

We find our travelers approaching a weird blue flame. Mucus Von Swiftus and his reptilian-ish friend Flippy He-Who-Flips. We will follow the two as they brave the wilds of Tamriel.

But first a little afternoon music. Flippy on flute and Mucus on lute the duo serenade the various passersby in a small village. 

-Feel The Power-

The bold Mucus stands sword a'flame ready for action.

Trouble brewing.

As the sun sets on yet another day of adventure we find Mucus dreaming of a new helmet.

File this one under: Postcards from Tamriel

Flippy being Argonian loves the water. Mucus joins him for a swim-probably away from danger.